Musings about technology, telecommunications, public policy, regulation, society, media, war, culture, politics, travel and the nature of things... "The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to its children" ...Dietrich Bonhoeffer
May 31, 2005
French No Vote on European Constitution Rattles Continent - New York Times
C.I.A. Expanding Terror Battle Under Guise of Charter Flights - New York Times
Publicizing these operations serves no useful journalistic purpose. In fact, such exposure may be harmful to our national interests and the war on terror.
May 30, 2005
The New York Times > Technology > E-Commerce Report: Online Travel Industry Tries to Adjust to Maturity
"By most measures, travel is the Web's most developed category. According to comScore, online leisure travel bookings reached about $51 billion last year, or 44 percent of all online sales. Roughly 30 percent of all travel bookings occur online - a far greater share than, say, retailing, where less than 5 percent of all sales are recorded on the Internet."
May 29, 2005
French Voters Deliver a Crushing Defeat to European Constitution - New York Times
May 27, 2005
The Dwinell Political Report 05-27-05
"The legislature and state and local agencies add incrementally to the building code, each new rule, regulation, code, or law increasing construction costs.
Add to that the increasing cost of the permit process and the holding costs of permit delays. You have significantly higher land cost, permit cost, and construction cost. Now add in inflation. There is no way wages can keep pace with increasing housing costs, most of them caused by the same governments which bemoan the lack of affordable housing.
The legislature decries the lack of affordable housing and of course blames greedy developers. We are lucky to have any developers willing to put themselves through the abuse incurred during the process. There will never be affordable housing."
May 25, 2005
A Compromise With Overtones for 2008 - New York Times
I love this quote:
"John McCain has always followed his own star," Alan K. Simpson, the former senator from Wyoming, said. "That is why he was always so attractive to the American electorate. He can tell people to go to hell - and they'll look forward to the trip."
The electorate may look forward to the trip, except conservatives. McCain has the same maverick disposition as Simpson's.
Publishers balk at Google book copy plan | CNET
May 24, 2005
The New York Times > Technology > Take That, Google: Bill Gates Struts Microsoft's New Search Stuff
May 21, 2005
Abruzzo, Italy Food
"The local cooks are expert at cooking tender lamb that has been fed on the juicy mountain grasses, usually over a scented wood fire. They have wonderful cheeses and fantastic cured meats to see them through the winter. All the skills and traditions that these mountain people link to eating and drinking come together in the panarda, a traditional banquet, where the courses never number less than thirty. It is absolutely forbidden to stop eating if you are a guest at a panarda. It is your duty to see it through until the end."
We saw it through to the end, a 50th birthday party for a friend's brother in a little mountain restaurant high in the mountains of Abruzzo above Campo diGiove near the San Leonardo Pass in the Maiellas. The panarda lasted from 1:00 pm to midnight with a Mass at 6:00 pm!
May 20, 2005
The grand convergence in 2010 | Between the Lines |
An intriguing piece by Dan Farber on where internet, telecom and database technologies are headed in the next 10 years, based on a Gartner Group paper.
The grand convergence in 2010 by ZDNet's Dan Farber -- Gartner predicts that by 2010 three major trends -- ubiquitous access, ambient intelligence and semantic connectivity -- will converge to create disruptions and opportunities as significant as the Web. It's not far fetched, but it will happen in ongoing spurts rather than as a big bang culminating at the end of the decade...
The New York Times > Technology > Internet Phone Services Told to Offer 911 Emergency Calls
May 18, 2005
May 15, 2005
A Tale of Two Trust Funds - New York Times
We are headed for a huge financial train wreck just at the time when our economy will be eviscerated by the Chinese.
Meet the Poor Republicans - New York Times
"These working-class folk like the G.O.P.'s social and foreign policies, but the big difference between poor Republicans and poor Democrats is that the former believe that individuals can make it on their own with hard work and good character.
According to the Pew study, 76 percent of poor Republicans believe most people can get ahead with hard work. Only 14 percent of poor Democrats believe that. Poor Republicans haven't made it yet, but they embrace what they take to be the Republican economic vision - that it is in their power to do so. Poor Democrats are more likely to believe they are in the grip of forces beyond their control.
The G.O.P. succeeds because it is seen as the party of optimistic individualism."
Old Foes Soften to New Reactors - New York Times
"Several of the nation's most prominent environmentalists have gone public with the message that nuclear power, long taboo among environmental advocates, should be reconsidered as a remedy for global warming."
May 13, 2005
Back from Vacation
Carol and Gayle spent a week in language school in Lucca brushing up on their Italian skills while David and I toured the town in the mornings. In the afternoons we traveled to various spots near Lucca including Carrara and Colonatta, Viareggio, Vinci, and Pisa.
We then separated for a week. Gayle and David remained in Tuscany while Carol and I traveled to Abruzzo spending time with Carol's family in Campo diGiove (including a 10-hour feast) and Sulmona. We also visited L'Aquila, Pescara, Orsogna, Pescocostanzo, Capestrano and Pettorano
Joining up again in Arezzo, we then stayed with our friends in Garlate(Lecco) touring Bellagio, Bergamo, the mountains and lakes including their mountain summer home accessible via an access road with 54 hairpin turns (Carol counted them). We visited Bergamo, then on to Stresa (Lago Maggiore) for a couple of days.
Next we visited Gayle's relatives in Cuorgne' and Locana for a few days, including an afternoon watching the annual 'battle of the cows.' Traveling south through the Maritime Alps, we finished up with a day in Nice and a visit to the 'old city.'
We had a wonderful trip, fantastic food, personal tour guides with family and friends.
Now, to process the digital pix and video!!