June 18, 2004

Power Shift

Alvin Toffler was one of the most visionary thinkers in the late 20th century. While cleaning out my office on my last day of employment at Resolution. Inc., I happened to open this book PowerShift published in 1990 and turned to the last few lines which I underlined when I read it 14 years ago.

"The most important powershift of all, therefore is not from one person, party, institution, or nation to another. It is the hidden shift in the relationships between violence, wealth, and knowledge as societies speed toward their collision with tomorrow.

This is the dangerous, exhilarating secret of the Powershift Era."

Terrorism demonstrates the danger. The exhilaration was seen to an exuberant degree during the dot-com boom. In the final chapter of the book, Toffler discusses the need for order, yet limited control by states. Terrorism destroys the sense of security at relatively little economic cost to the terrorists (they consider their life expendable). Over-control by a state destroys economic vigor. I hope we in the US can find the right balance between the relentless war on terror and the ability to continue a vibrant and exciting culture. We must find that delicate balance that may require sacrifice of treasure, hopefully not basic freedoms.

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