August 15, 2005

OpinionJournal - John Fund on the Trail

The Republicans will be fools to let the Democrats outflank them on the illegal immigration issue. No matter the politics of all this, if immigration laws are being violated to this outrageous extent, proper enforcement is essential. Are we as a country willing to support that or have we thrown up our hands on the southern border?

"As the maneuvering of Democrats such as Sen. Clinton and Gov. Richardson shows, Republicans risk letting Democrats turn immigration into a wedge issue that drives many voters to the other party. If Mr. Bush wants to leave office having brought about real immigration reform along with an increase in Hispanic support for Republicans, he must also pull off the delicate balancing act of convincing Americans that the federal government hasn't lost complete control of the border. Otherwise, the issue will remain stalemated and ripe for political demagoguery. "

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