February 8, 2008

Global-Warming Jujitsu - TierneyLab - Science - New York Times Blog

John Tierney continues to expand beyond most of the palaver in the NY Times that passes for informed opinion (certainly not settled strategies) about what to do about global warming. Fight it with untold $Billions (Kyoto protocol style, a failure so far) with little prospect of success or take rational action to ameliorate the effects in those parts of the world that will be disadvantaged by climate change...if it occurs as some think. Much of the world will see an advantage from global warming, but that's seldom what we hear in the MSM.

I am in the camp that says we are far better off spending money rationally to ameliorate bad effects rather than wreak havoc on productive economies as some extremists advocate when those economies in the future will be better able to cope with adverse results with better technologies.

While I don't support a carbon tax as Tierney does, his article and the quotes from a Cato Institute study are well worth the read.

Global-Warming Jujitsu - TierneyLab - Science - New York Times Blog

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