May 4, 2010

Horizon Oil Rig Explosion

Here are some pictures of the Horizon oil rig ...what it looked like when it was new and during the fires following the explosion earlier in April. What a mess! Don't know where these originated, but they have been floating around the web since the explosion.


Steven said...

I think the oil rig explosion was a black swan event. See

David Usher said...

I certainly hope that's the case. Taleb's book is fascinating reading and prescient.

Steven said...

Yes, thanks for recommending it. I gave it a subjective review (with a shout out/hat tip to you) over at RF. Seemed like you were on the road to Dubai for along time.

David Usher said...

Only four days in Dubai and four in Paris prior to Dubai, then in Armenia for two weeks including 2 extra days in Yerevan waiting for Icelandic ash issue to clear.

Air France rerouted us to JFK and Boston via Aeroflot through Moscow.