September 3, 2013

Not Really Labor's Day -

Not Really Labor's Day - "The lack of any fiscal stimulus aimed at lowering unemployment has contributed to this trend. Ironically, the Federal Reserve’s policy of quantitative easing to stimulate the economy and lower unemployment – which some Republicans tried unsuccessfully to outlaw — has probably also benefited those at the top more than those at the bottom. Lower interest rates have driven up the price of stocks, but left those dependent on less risky sources of investment income (such as savings accounts and bonds) stranded with low returns."

Accelerated adoption of digital technology (reduction in the labor component) and globalization (lower priced labor component) on the classical economic definition of productivity has favored capital investment and its returns. These megatrends have disrupted the expectations and requirements for workers.

This is why I believe the historic Keynesian economic theory that government 'stimulus' will goose the economy no longer works as it has in the past.

The Fed's stimulus efforts (low interest rates, QE, etc.) have fallen short of expectations and have benefited capitalists far more than labor because of the two mega-factors mentioned above.

Add to these difficulties the inertia of the education system and we have a dispirited workforce ill-prepared for today's and tomorrow's economy.

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