August 31, 2002

Lesson Plans for 9/11

What to teach kids in school on the anniversary of September 11 creates controversy. The New York Times casts the opposing views in conservative and lberal terms. The debate becomes ideological. For me, and I believe most Americans, it's quite simple:
*Enemies of America killed 3,000 Americans and other innocent people.
*This act of war was pre-meditated and accomplished in secret, not unlike the attack on Pearl Harbor 60 years ago.
*America must protect itself. A good offense is the best defense.
*President Bush's policy to wage war on terrorism is correct.
*The notion that somehow America is at fault for this terrorism is nonsense.
*Evil ideas and false beliefs spawned destruction at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
*Police, firemen and rescue workers involved in the tragedy are heroes.

These are the lessons that must be taught to our kids about 9/11.

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