August 24, 2002

Vermont's Political Season (ings)

Mr. Shumlin's editorial confirms his traditional confrontational style. "I am saving you from the greedy pharmaceutical companies. Look to me (Vote for me?), I'll help save you." The price of drugs is not best controlled by Mr. Shumlin's warlike diatribe. The cost of healthcare is a spiraling concern. Societally we don't have an answer because indvidually we are without restraint. We want all of it at an 'affordable' price. Problem: we can't afford to have it all. Technology will continue to produce wonderful devices and drugs that outstrip our ability to pay for all these wonders of modern medicine unless we exert disciplines and restraint on how much health care we individually consume...easier said than done. Unfortunately, war with the providers, evidenced by Mr. Shumlin's rantings, is not the right approach.

I note he also voted in the minority (7-2) yesterday when the Joint Fiscal Committee wrestled to the ground the $39 Million budget shortfall . Spend, Mr. and spend. Too bad Vermont can't afford your agenda.

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