March 18, 2003

TIME Will Tell

This excerpt from a much longer piece published today by TIME goes to the reality of the timing decision made by President Bush. Anyone who has been to war or understands the realities of war knows that troops cannot be moved, massed and held in abeyance for months. There is a limited window in which to move or go home. In Iraq, the other relevant factor is the weather. Once decided, this war must commence now or 'wait until next year.' Waiting would not be politically wise.

"The administration's actions, however, were even more important than its words. Even as it pursued the UN route in the hope of maximizing international support for a war, the Bush team began moving swiftly and without pause to assemble an invasion armada capable of delivering a swift military victory over Saddam's regime. The "moment of truth" arrived not because of any crisis in the inspection process or any act of provocation by Iraq, but because the invasion force is now ready to fight and the window of optimal weather conditions for a ground war is closing fast. In the end, military logic has determined the timetable of diplomacy, rather than vice versa."

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