July 22, 2003

Gun Manufacturers Win

It's fascinating that a story National Public Radio aired this morning seems not to have been considered newsworthy by other national media. A judge in New York rightly dismissed an NAACP suit that attempts to blame gun manufacturers for the actions of criminals. For a judge to entertain and waste resources on a lawsuit of this nature is absurd. People who use 'tools' to commit crimes must be held responsible for the crime. Attempting to transfer responsibility to the manufacturer of the tool is way off base.

I am continually dismayed that our society attempts to hold producers of legal products liable for the consequences of individuals who misuse these 'tools.' This attack on gun manufacturers is absurd. Should we prevent the production of guns for a republic that allows the possession and legal use of firearms? I think not.

We like to attribute lack of personal responsibility to 'someone else' and blame corporations for evil in our society and the failures of individuals.

I find the media's unwillingness to cover this story another example of the bias that permeates today's media. Of course, they will argue that other more important stories have taken the limited time and space needed for this story.

Thanks, NPR , for reporting this, though I sensed some bias in your narrative.

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