July 24, 2004

Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM)

From an article by Dale Fincher 'A Word from the Wise,' from Just Thinking, Summer 2004, a triannual communique of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries.

The nature of evil and how to deal with it...from Lord of the Rings

"You see, evil comes to us in two forms: ideas and behaviors. First, there are the false beliefs we hold, and second, those beliefs turned to action. The latter is frequently acknowledged in our present world, though many forms of it are debated. The former is less acknowledged and penetrates many unaware minds. We must watchdog both kinds of evils in ourselves and in our neighbors.
Furthermore, two tragedies could result if Gandalf's wisdom is not employed. One, if justice stands without pity, Gollum would have no hope to be rescued from evil. Two, if pity stands without justice, then Gollum's condition could be ignored as being slight or indifferent. Pity is not pity unless the true nature of the problem is acknowledged. Neither alternative would benefit Gollum or Frodo."

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