October 12, 2006

Across Europe, Worries on Islam Spread to Center - New York Times

Across Europe, Worries on Islam Spread to Center - New York Times

Europeans are waking up to the reality that Islam generally does not want to integrate into their society. Unless assimilation is a goal for Islamic immigrants, the R.A.T.s will take advantage of the growing animosity to further their craziness to kill Westerners (infidels) and/or force them to convert.

It's about time people wake up to the reality that we have have a fundamental clash of values fostered by the radical beliefs of some Muslims. In Europe talk of expulsion will continue to grow. The notion that things will be OK if everyone would 'play nice together' is equivalent to putting one's head in the sand, as so many in the U.S. would have us do.

Merkel and Reid have it right:

'With each incident, mainstream leaders are speaking more plainly. "Self-censorship does not help us against people who want to practice violence in the name of Islam," Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany said in criticizing the opera's cancellation. "It makes no sense to retreat."

The backlash is revealing itself in other ways. Last month the British home secretary, John Reid, called on Muslim parents to keep a close watch on their children. "There's no nice way of saying this," he told a Muslim group in East London. "These fanatics are looking to groom and brainwash children, including your children, for suicide bombing, grooming them to kill themselves to murder others."

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