November 1, 2006

Cable and Phone Companies Compete, but Both Thrive - New York Times

Cable and Phone Companies Compete, but Both Thrive - New York Times:

Good infrastructure companies will always be needed for the backbone services and the ability to dig deep into their pockets to make the infrastructure investments that ever changing technology demands.

I think for the long haul, telecom and cable companies are a good bet as long as our population, thus usage, continues to grow. Time on task is the limiting factor for people. How much time can we realistically spend with the screens in front of our faces or the earbuds in our ears??
"Though stock prices of phone and cable companies are far from the peaks they hit half a decade ago, some analysts are starting to ask whether they are now relatively high, given the companiesÂ? growth potential. Telecommunications companies still have some room to expand since only about 35 percent of Americans have broadband lines at home and 75 percent havecell phoness. But those rates are rising fast, which may mean this yearÂ?s stock price increase will continue, but at a slower rate."

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