September 14, 2007

Bin laden's September Videotape

If you've never read the rantings of Bin Laden (I hadn't), he will tell you that the Democrats have failed to stop the war in Iraq because they have been corrupted by large corporations. He opines that capitalism is the root of all evil and democracy is just a way for big corporations to exploit people and globalism is the present phase of that which is ruining the world via global warming. Funny, though, he never mentions China or India and their thriving capitalism.

Where was Bin Laden when the Marxists were spouting and spreading their 'workers of the world unite' and Communist ideology? They could have used him.

If there be any doubt in your mind that this man is dead set to eliminate us unless we reject democracy and capitalism and turn to Islam, read his speech. The translation is a bit rough in spots, but you won't have any problem getting his drift.

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