December 19, 2007

With Regrets, New Orleans Is Left Behind - New York Times

I know it's easy to say sitting here in Vermont, but New Orleans should plan for a smaller, different, safer city. Hoping for the return of the New Orleans that once was is a romantic dream. The suffering and fracturing of families and communities is a terrible tragedy. But does it make any sense to try to put Humpty Dumpty together again in a place that is at risk for more devastation, not to mention the rampant crime, corruption and demonstrated incompetence?

Leaving old New Orleans behind for a different, smaller city without corruption, with competent leadership and a clear vision for what the city should be is the direction they should take. A tragic hope for what was is a terrible waste of energy, besides the huge amount of money that would be required to make the city safe from future flooding.

The flood-prone ares should be made into parks or planted to vegetation to accommodate Nature and the floods that will come again, rather than trying to build levees around the 'bowl' waiting to be filled again with water

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