September 20, 2009

Cap & Trade Economic Impacts

Charts below are from the WSJ, 09/20/09 electronic edition accompanying two opposing opinions about whether the worldwide cap and trade proposal can achieve the goal (80% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 2050) without damaging the economy.

Cap and Trade is a theory that will not achieve the goals espoused by its proponents for the simple reason that China, India and other developing countries simply will not buy in. They have already said so. Without participation by these countries, C&T simply will not work. How can it be simpler than that? Even the originator of the C&T theory has backed of its efficacy for the purposes of global greenhouse gas reduction.

For the U.S. to go it alone, or even with many other developed countries without the undeveloped countries would be foolish. To send them money to alleviate the economic pain to participate would be doubly foolish.

Of course, this all assumes that climate change is driven by man-made greenhouse gasses, an unproven belief.

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