September 2, 2009

David Brooks Losing Faith in Obama?

Op-Ed Columnist - The Obama Slide -

I have great respect for David Brooks as a journalist and author. Now he has come to realize, and is willing to say so, along with more and more Americans, that TeamObama is alienating millions by his policies and strategy. Brooks now advises TeamObama to "rebalance" because he has turned independents against him and his policies, particularly the wild spending spree that the Democrat Congress and this Administration have undertaken.

But Brooks is dead wrong to believe "Events have pushed Barack Obama off to the left." This man has been on the far left from his time in Congress and prior to that. I'm persuaded that he intends to remake America into a left-leaning socialist country. Some will argue that he needs time to settle in to the job and make the 'changes' he promised. I don't like the changes he has supported and the massive deficits he and Congress, especially the House, have supported. He certainly would be wise to change course, but that may not be possible because he is so leftist and his liberal allies in Congress, led by Pelosi and Reid, drink the same Kool-Aid. For a list of the far left liberal base in Congress, click here.

His charisma has bamboozled many voters who jumped in line to support him for President, mostly as a reaction against President Bush, I think. Obama is ineffective in the job and people will continue to see it and flee his bandwagon as he reveals his true nature and beliefs.

"The president’s challenge now is to halt the slide. That doesn’t mean giving up his goals. It means he has to align his proposals to the values of the political center: fiscal responsibility, individual choice and decentralized authority.

Events have pushed Barack Obama off to the left. Time to rebalance."

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