November 25, 2003

Older Americans ramp up Internet use

Older Americans jumping on the Internet is a good sign. They have time and any have $ to spend if the Web sites are easy to navigate... a problem for many seniors. Seems they aren't buying much online yet.
"For instance, the 65-and-older group's success rate for completing assigned tasks, such as fact-finding, buying a product and finding information, was about 53 percent, compared with a 78 percent success rate for younger users. Also, older users made almost five errors per task, compared with less than one for the younger group, according to the study."

"Among Americans 65 and over, e-mail remains the main activity: 93 percent of wired seniors use e-mail, while 58 percent go online for hobby information, 55 percent read news online, 53 percent search for health and medical information, 53 percent browse for fun, and 53 percent check the weather, according to the Pew Internet Project study."

"It's really about e-mail -- and pictures," said the AARP's Carpenter. "Their children have digital cameras and they're posting pictures of their kids. The grandparents are saying we need to get online to be a part of this. They want to get into the family loop. They know that everybody else is communicating with e-mail and instant messaging. They want to be part of it. They don't want to be left out."

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