April 13, 2005

The New York Times > Opinion > Op-Ed Columnist: The Calm Before the Storm?

Friedman may be right. If he is, then we must redouble our efforts to eliminate as many terrorists as we can, both at home an abroad. Wheteh by killing them or by tying them up at Guantanamo or other places and in the courts when we have valid charges against them.

We must increase our vigilance and not be lulled into some false sense of 'things are better now."

"I fear that when and if the Jihadists conclude that they have been defeated in the heart of their world, they will be sorely tempted to throw a Hail Mary pass. That is, they may want to launch a spectacular, headline-grabbing act of terrorism in America that tries to mask, and compensate for, just how defeated they have become at home.

In short, the more the Jihadists lose in Iraq, the more likely they are to use their rump forces to try something really crazy in America to make up for it. So let's stay the course in Iraq, but stay extra-vigilant at home."

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