June 21, 2007

Hamas Conquest of Gaza Disturbs Arab World With Echoes of Recent Splits and Alliances - New York Times

Hamas Conquest of Gaza Disturbs Arab World With Echoes of Recent Splits and Alliances - New York Times

This snapshot analysis of the present state of affairs following the Hamas victory in Gaza is worth reading. However, readers should be disturbed by the fact that the author is soft on terror groups calling them 'political Islam' rather than radical Islamic terrorists and giving them equal billing and legitimacy. This is a dangerous position for a journalist and a Western publisher to take. This strained attempt at 'objectivity' likely provides comfort to terrorist groups.

People may not be happy with Arab governments, but giving radical Islamist terror groups this spotlight shows the Times once again as soft on terror.

Another column in the Times by Cohen from the International Herald Tribune blames Israel for the Hamas mess in Gaza. What nonsense! The West is not to blame for terrorists, pure and simple.

"Wolfensohn (former President of World Bank), no dreamer, said: "I can only tell you that the Israeli closing of the Gaza borders was made with less consideration of the impact than needed. Aside from the military analysis, you have to consider the impact on a society, because social dislocation leads to anger and violence."

After a year in the job, marginalized, he slipped away. "The view on the American and Israeli side was that you could not trust the Palestinians, and the result was not to build more economic activity, but to build more barriers," Wolfensohn said. "And I personally did not think that was the way forward."

Nor do I. "Gaza first" imploded because Gaza was cut off. Intra-Palestinian mayhem ensued. Hamas has terrorist elements. But it remains more a Palestinian national than a global jihadist movement. There are members of Hamas with whom dialogue is possible. To make peace you have to get the enemy to the table."

You cannot make peace with terrorists!

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