June 27, 2003

Energy Fix: Pump the Oil, Raise the Tax (washingtonpost.com)

Energy Fix: Pump the Oil, Raise the Tax (washingtonpost.com)

Krauthammer has expounded a good idea. Let's go for it!!

"It is the most ridiculous debate on the American political scene. We obviously need to do both. Every barrel added to domestic production and every barrel subtracted from consumption has the equivalent effect of reducing our dependence on unstable and unfriendly foreign producers.

Since the invasion of Kuwait 13 years ago, the U.S. military has been on active patrol in the world's oil patch. With American soldiers at risk securing our oil economy, liberals have to be willing to discomfit a few caribou and allow us to start pumping new oil from Alaska. If we'd listened to their arguments the last time around, we would today be without the million barrels a day we get from the North Slope."

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