June 1, 2003

George Bush is Real

While visirting Russia and Poland recently, the following is a quote from a NYTimes story about remarks Mr. Bush made in Poland.

"Reporters who accompanied the couple said the president seemed restless and unsettled as he stood next to two reconstructed ovens used to cremate Jews killed in the gas chambers, and afterward, he related the experience to the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and his campaign against terrorism.

"The death camps still bear witness," he said. "They remind us that evil is real and must be called by name and must be opposed."

History, he said, "asks more than memory, because hatred and aggression and murderous ambition are still alive in the world."

President Bush is correct to call evil by its name. Anyone who has visited the Nazi death camps or The Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C cannot help but know that evil exists and must be opposed or it will thrive.

Let's see if the UN can right the Congo wrongs and stop the horrific savagery on display there as tribal rivalries overcome the rule of law and hundreds of thousands are slaughtered.

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