August 24, 2003

Burlington Free Press - Editorial - Early Childhood Education

The Burlington Free Press continue to rightly espouse a higher level of education for Vermont's children. This editorial focuses of early childhood education and perceptively suggests that the Senate's version of Headstart improvements lacks the substance that recent research points to. The need for preschoolers, particularly form disavantaged and single parents, to mingle and learn from peers led by cognitive teachers, is a way to help these kids learn.

We are facing a future where Americans may be uneducated and ignorant absent substantial change in our education system. If we fall behind as a nation in educating our kids, we will surely fall behind other nations who do better in this regard.

We cannot afford to increase a welfare class because we will not be able to support them. We need as many Americans as possible supporting our country and its tax base. Otherwise we will lose our 'most favored nation' status in the world

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