August 27, 2003

In a Long Presidential Race, Dean Sprints

This Times reporter is captivated by Dr. Dean. Adjectives in use: rabid (audiences); staggering (crowds);audacious (steps). Nevertheless there is a dose of reality at the end of the article:
Regardless of the record crowds, it is still August — of 2003.

For each of the 800 people who skipped the Green Bay Packers game on Saturday night to chant "We want Dean" in a Milwaukee airplane hangar, there must be many like the young woman in the pink taffeta strapless bridesmaid's dress who went to the hotel bar where reporters and supporters were mingling over martinis and wondered, "What's going on here?"

Told it was the Dean campaign, she looked blank. Howard Dean, someone said. Running for president.

"President?" she asked. "President of what?"

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