July 5, 2004

The New York Times > Washington > Fears of Attack at Conventions Drive New Plans

Half the budget for security!! Look at the tremendous costs terrorists are exacting from us. All this energy and money to protect ourselves form nebulous, ill-defined, but certain threats. This is why we must pursue and eradicate the terrorists, particularly their leaders wherever they are. We must give them no rest or sanctuary.
"The fears about an incident during the conventions or later in the year have also led state and local officials to impose extraordinary security precautions. Persistent if indistinct intelligence reports, based on electronic intercepts and live sources, indicate that Al Qaeda is determined to strike in the United States some time this year, the officials said in interviews last week.
Almost half the budgets in each convention city will be spent on security, local officials said. The Democratic National Convention will be held in Boston at the Fleet Center from July 26 to 29. The Republican National Convention will be held in New York at Madison Square Garden from Aug. 30 to Sept. 2."

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