January 11, 2005

IBM offers 500 patents for open-source use | CNET News.com

IBM is throwing a big challenge into Microsoft's path by its strong embrace of Linux and opening up hundreds of its patents royalty-free. They expect to make their money in the consulting arena and with their heavily business-focused product line. They are not interested in the consumer business as evidenced by selling the PC division to a Chinese company.

Microsoft, I believe, with all the legal wranglings and trouble in the EU and the challenges to Windows and Internet Explorer must make its thrust into the media and content markets, where it has many different challengers.

IBM throws down the gauntlet to those who would thwart the open source movement.

"'Through measures such as today's pledge, we will increasingly use patents to encourage and protect global innovation and interoperability through open standards, and we urge others to do so as well,' Kelly said. 'We will work with the U.S. PTO and other commentators and policy makers to ensure that the U.S. patent system continues to evolve to address the challenges of the innovation economy.' "

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