January 12, 2005

MSNBC - The 'Media Party' is over

Fascinating analysis of the ongoing demise of the MSM in America. The 'Media Party' truly is over. I'm thinking smart journalists will find avenues of expression and a livelihood that does not depend on today's MSM organizations. Many news groups need to change editorially to eliminate their obvious bias or be candid with readers/viewers that they have it. I'm not speaking about the views of columnists, I believe the news itself is biased, mostly in terms of what is reported and how it is reported. The editors have enormous sway on what the news really is. If an editor has a bias (Who doesn't?), that will often sway which facts are presented. I never believed Dan Rather was unbiased and his scandalous story on Bush just before the election was motivated by much more than 'being first.' Rather's history is replete with examples of his bias. That's fine for commentators, but not for news anchors and reporters.

I'd be willing to support with $ a company or an organization with first rate journalists who provided a balanced view of the news reporting all the relevant facts, something that the Times, CBS, CNN, the BBC nor Fox does today. I find more balanced coverage at places like the Christian Science Monitor.

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