December 5, 2005

At Traditional Phone Companies, Jobs May Not Last a Lifetime - New York Times

At Traditional Phone Companies, Jobs May Not Last a Lifetime - New York Times:

No doubt about the the fact that upheaval in the telecom infrastructure business is having a huge employment impact. But this statement below by an academic is just plain wrong. Less regulation in this sector has been the recent history. Stable industries with vast economic impact with little competition produce more regulation. Hogendorn has it wrong in the short term. In the long term, if a small oligopoly develops in this important sector, more regulation may occur, but this is unlikely as technology, particularly wireless technology gallops forward.

"'In the end there is going to be more regulation, not less,' said Christiaan Hogendorn, who teaches the economics of technology at Wesleyan University. 'Every infrastructure industry starts with lots of competition and then as competitive issues come up, we get more regulation.'"

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