August 11, 2006

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Stage Two

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Stage Two:
This Canadian journalist gets it. Perhaps even that liberal American journalist icon, Dan Rather, is getting it, too

"And even some of our more 'liberal' journalists have been taken aback. We have had such startling performances as that of Dan Rather, the retired CBS anchor, on Fox TV. He admitted that the media are reporting Lebanon without factual and historical background, that what 'doesn't get reported is the bigger picture'.

'It's a problem that those of us in journalism have been reluctant to address. I do not exclude myself from this criticism. Reluctant to address that Hezbollah is a terrorist organization, committed to the destruction of Israel. It isn't committed to trying to just gain territory. It's committed to its destruction.'
And he could add, committed to our destruction. Israel is facing the same enemy all free peoples in the West are facing -- and that we, Canadians, are fighting in Afghanistan. And if we do not support Israel, we do not support ourselves"

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