August 21, 2006

Waiting for Jacques - New York Times

Waiting for Jacques - New York Times

America should not rebuild Lebanon and the French are acting as we have come to expect, untrustworthy. The U.N. is a basket case on Lebanon. Think of the message this foot-dragging sends to the terrorists.

If the U.N. and France are incapable of dealing with Hezbollah, the Israelis will be back to finish the task. The terrorists must be disarmed and prevented from rearming. It's clear the U.N. is not up to the job. Tom Evslin sums up the situation nicely in this post.

Meanwhile, Iran and Syria come out winners. Alas, but true, the world we live in today is one where evil trumps most attempts to deal with it.

Meanwhile, American women have tough fashion choices about their eyebrows in one of The Times' most emailed articles! Woe is us.

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