July 7, 2007

Immigration Malpractice - New York Times

Immigration Malpractice - New York Times

If the Times has its facts right, this is one more example of why our government could not be trusted to to the right thing on immigration matters...and another good reason for dumping the immigration bill last week. If the government badly screws up legal immigration, how can we trust them to do well with illegals?

The remedy: tight border security first with fences if necessary; implement legal immigration fairly and effectively; then take steps to deal with illegals already here. Stern measures with employers and 'no benefits' for illegals should be the approach, including a fool-proof identification card or system for those who are here legally. Catch and deport should be the MO. It may seem harsh, but without stern measures, the problem will never be solved. Unfortunately, some Americans don't believe illegals are a problem for this nation. This attitude speaks volumes about their values concerning this country.

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