October 23, 2008

Op-Ed Contributor - From Beirut to 9/11 - NYTimes.com

Op-Ed Contributor - From Beirut to 9/11 - NYTimes.com

While McFarlane may have some axes to grind, both presidential candidates must take to heart his admonition:

"Since 9/11 we have learned a lot about the threat from radical Islam and how to defeat it. Our commitment to Iraq is now being vindicated and, if sustained, will enable us to establish an example of pluralism in a Muslim state with a flourishing economy.

First, however, we must win in Afghanistan — truly the decisive battleground in this global struggle. Never has there been a greater need for experience and judgment in the White House. Unless our next president understands the complexity of the challenge as well as what it will take to succeed, and can lead his cabinet and our country in resolute execution of that strategy, we will lose this war."

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