December 30, 2008

Editorial - War Over Gaza -

Editorial - War Over Gaza -

This Times editorial is from 'lala land.' Providing all these ivory tower suggestions for everyone in sight to fix the crisis only fills space in their dying newspaper and is foolishness. Their journalistic euphemism for the Hamas terrorists is 'militant Palestinians.' What a joke. These are terrorists killing Jews and sworn to destroy Israel. Until they are dead or renounce that goal and stop firing rockets indiscriminately, this conflict will continue at varying levels of intensity. Israel is right to do all in its power to protect its citizens.

Nothing lasting can be negotiated as long as Hamas exists to destroy or drive out the Jews. The Islamic world apparently sees fit to allow them to continue doing so.

The Times ends the editorial with the absurd hope that Barack Obama, who has yet to make a statement about this present crisis, will waltz right in and fix it. More nonsense!

"Ms. Rice once hoped to make a Middle East peace her legacy. It is too late for that. But she should do her job. That means getting on a plane for Cairo and Riyadh — now — to enlist their help in brokering a new cease-fire. Then it will be up to President-elect Barack Obama to quickly pick up the pieces and fashion a Middle East peace strategy that may actually bring peace."

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