May 24, 2004

Vermont Named as One of America's 11 Most Endangered Places

Eleven years ago Vermont was placed on the National Trust for Historic Preservation's Endangered List. Now we're back on it, 11 years later. We apparently are threatened by WalMart's plans for superstores and those of other big box behemoths.

Truly the world is changing. How many WalMarts exist in the US today? Vermont's dilemma is how to change the inexorable absorption in to the economy surronding us. No easy answers here, but some fundamental policy questions are raised about the ethics of mercantilism. How free is a free country? What, if anything, should be done about this?

The thinkers and planners who want to preserve culture, a way of life, and land seem at odds with the consumers who want best prices for merchandise.

Capitalism vs. preservation. Tough questions!

Comments welcomed.

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