April 18, 2009

In NY State Pension Inquiry, a Scandal Snowballs - NYTimes.com

The formula is simple enough and quite predictable:

Big Money + Greedy Public Officials + Ethics-challenged Money Managers = CORRUPTION

Is there no integrity left in the system? Can we trust no one on Wall Street or in Big Government to do the right thing? Is there any wonder that citizens do not trust the power structure?

Despite TeamObama's transparency doctrine, watch down the road 2-3 years for this same sort of corruption as the $ trillions flow out of government into the economy.

We saw it in Connecticut, California, Illinois, now New York. It's likely prevalent elsewhere, too. I trust Vermont's State Treasurer, Auditor of Accounts and Attorney General are watching Vermont's pension funds and their management, and VSAC, too.

In State Pension Inquiry, a Scandal Snowballs - NYTimes.com

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