April 28, 2009

Swine Flu: Current Status and Worst Case Scenario -- Seeking Alpha

Swine Flu: Current Status and Worst Case Scenario -- Seeking Alpha:

Here's one of the best descriptions of what we know now about the "Mexican Swine Flu" written by a physician at Seeking Alpha.

"...sometimes totally new viruses emerge: new combinations of swine, avian, and human influenza viruses. When this occurs, as is the case now, no previous vaccine or previous infection will afford any protection from the new virus. The 'Swine Flu' virus now spreading around the globe is a unique and novel combination of swine, bird, and human viruses.

Unlike SARS, which was an avian virus with relatively low human to human transmission, this new virus appears to readily transmit between humans. Fortunately, except in Mexico, this new virus has, so far, produced a relatively mild case of the flu. There is only one report of a hospitalization in the U.S., but no serious illness. Also, no increase in ER visits has been noted, which the CDC and local health departments monitor closely.

Fortunately, researchers report that this new virus does respond to Relenza (GSK) and Tamiflu (RHHBY.PK and GILD), the two anti-viral compounds that are readily available and in mass production. That's the good news, so far. A new virus that has produced a mild case of the flu outside of Mexico, but, does transmit easily from person to person."

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