May 21, 2009

Flip-Flops and Governance -

Flip-Flops and Governance -

TeamObama may well become far less popular in his second and third 100 days. Rove's quote below from a recent opinion piece in the WSJ sums up TeamObama's plight...and that of those who elected him.

"Mr. Obama either had very little grasp of what governing would involve or, if he did, he used words meant to mislead the public. Neither option is particularly encouraging. America now has a president quite different from the person who advertised himself for the job last year. Over time, those things can catch up to a politician."

1 comment:

Rick said...

No fan of Obama and his policies, but
Karl Rove has just about zero
credibility as far as I'm concerned.
The points make in the article are
otherwise agreeable, just wish
someone else had made them.