July 5, 2005

Oil Is Oil, Be It Burned or Eaten, EPA Says

The EPA seems to have a distorted view of the world if cooking oils and dairy products are subject to the same rules as petroleum. Is this bureaucracy run amok?

"The edible-oil people want the EPA to separate them from the petroleum industry.
The dairy people, meanwhile, want an exception to the rule that says milk and cheese, oleaginous mixtures, will be subject to EPA enforcement. 'I'm sorry. You can have a cheese fire, but you won't have a river of liquid cheese that will endanger the environment,' said Clay Detlefsen , counsel for the International Dairy Foods Association .
That's not to say edible-oil spills don't occur.
Evans said that on average, 45 spills of edible oils and fats reach navigable waters annually. He thinks such spills are underreported. The EPA says on its Web site that non-petroleum oils have physical properties similar to those of petroleum: They create slicks on surface water and form emulsions and sludge that can 'be dangerous or even deadly to wildlife.'"

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