March 21, 2009

The Burlington Free Press today reveals that President Obama's inexperience is showing . He's not had a good week.

  • His gaffe on the Jay Leno show comparing his bowling to that of Special Olympians demonstrates why any President would be wise to avoid appearing on entertainment shows. It demeans the office and leads to foolish comments like his. Presidents should stick to leading, not trying to entertain us.

  • Next, his administration has been exposed to have collaborated with Senator Chris (Secret Counrtywide mortgage) Dodd, Chair of the Senate Banking Committee, to have approved the paying of large bonuses to employees of AIG and others in hurried legislation. Then their protestations to tax these bonuses amid the outrage created by their own action, makes him and his Treasury Secretary, Geithner, seem inept and incompetent.

  • The Congressional Budget Office estimates that President Obama's spending plans would create $9.3 trillion in deficits during the next decade...more than 4 times those already exorbitant deficits created by Congress and the Bush administration. This CBO estimate is $2.3 trillion worse than 'team Obama' suggested just a couple of weeks ago. This is insane, not to mention that if Congress foolishly approved this level of spending, higher taxes are inevitable. NY Times reports on it here.

  • Finally, while touring a California electric car plant, Obama said "The 1908 Model T - think about this -the 1908 Model T earned better gas mileage than the typical SUV in 2008." "Think about that: 100 years later, and we're getting worse gas mileage, not better." What a stupid, foolish, absurd comment. There can be no valid comparison of vehicles separated by 100 years and thousands of pounds in weight, horsepower and technology. While this ridiculous chatter may resonate with dolts, for a President to engage in such surreal comparisons reveals how inexperienced, shallow and pandering he is.

I hope he fares better next week, but I think we're seeing the true Obama as his charisma fades in the harsh light of reality. I'm disappointed but not surprised.

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