April 10, 2004

The Pain of Ideologues

Social ideologies are generally developed by secular thinkers who believe they have better, perhaps perfect, answers to the problems they see plaguing mankind. The grand experiments are applied to peoples, often by force or revolution, like some kind of salve that will create a better condition than produced by autocratic or kingly rule .

I think the reason that capitalism and our brand of restrained democracy (unrestrained democracy would lead to the tyranny of the majority and civil disruption) has had the upper hand for the past couple of centuries turns on the fact that individual freedom to prosper is encouraged. Communism never exalted or unleashed free will and personal initiative, instead leading to the mind-numbing state plan rather than a personal plan as the key ingredient producing hope, initiative and a better life. Our system also exploits technology, sometimes to excess, but it does move the societal ball forward.

I see the sad state of affairs in Muslim societies and realize that freedom, competing ideas and hope is a 'good thing.' I sometimes wonder if Muslim/Arabic societies would be better or worse off without their oil riches?

In any event, the problem of the age revolves around the ideology of hate sponsored by radical Islamists and their followers. This is a threat worse than Communism because life itself means so little personally to these terrorist fanatics.

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